User Guide


Feature 1: list

List all the tasks.

Feature 2: add

Add tasks to the list. There are 3 kinds of tasks:

  1. Todo
  2. Deadline
  3. Event

    Feature 3: done

    Mark task as completed.

    Feature 4: delete

    Remove a task from the list.

    Feature 5: undo

    Undo previous command.

    Feature 6: bye

    Close the application.


list - list all tasks in the list

Example of usage: Image of list

todo {task} - add a todo task

Example of usage: Image of list

deadline {task} {deadline} - add a deadline task

Example of usage: Image of list

event {task} {date and time} - add an event

Example of usage: Image of list

done {task number} - add a deadline task

Example of usage: Image of list

delete {task number} - remove a task from the list

Example of usage: Image of list

undo - undo previous command

Example of usage: Image of list

bye - closes the application